exploring the social
social risk

What we do

Our approach follows four main stages: fit, clarity of purpose, knowledge for success, and options for action.


A no-risk meeting for discovery of mutual opportunity and assessment of styles

Clarity of purpose

Where you are

  • Motivation, needs, hopes, capabilities, capacities
  • Existing plans, commitments, gaps
  • World views, mental models, thinking preferences
  • Sketching and scoping your project

Knowledge for success

Concepts and facts to build with

  • Requisite concepts from constructivism, social psychology, semiotics, philosophy
  • Informal webinars, individual coaching, readings and references

Options for action

Projects for getting ahead of social risk

  • Baseline - scenario-based stress testing critical assumptions
  • Deep dive – semiotic scenario logic of target belief systems, the real driving forces behind social risk events

Let us know

We appreciate feedback. To get involved or learn more about our approach to social risk email us..